
BC Parks Policies and Procedures

Camping on Saysutshun is an unforgettable experience.

The 18 walk-in campsites are located in a quiet forested area a mere 5-minute walk from the docks. Several of the sites are next to the ocean. Five group campsites are also available that can accommodate up to 50 guests.

Potable water is available along with flush and pit toilets, hot showers, and food lockers to protect your rations from local raccoons!

With no cars allowed on the island, the quiet is serene, with nothing but the sound of the ocean, birds and wind in the trees. And with no bears or cougars on the island, there is little worry of any alarming wildlife encounters.

Sites are available on a first-come first-served basis, but reservations are highly recommended. Reservations can be made through the BC Parks online reservation system.

For questions regarding camping please call 1-866-788-NCIF (1-866-788-6243).

Campsite fees

  • Individual campsites: $18 per night plus $1 per person
  • Group campsites:
    • Youth (6-15yrs) Group:
      $50 / per night plus $1/per person; 5yrs and under are free
    • Regular Group:
      Site 1/2/3 – $80/per night plus $5per adult; $1 per child (6-16yrs); 5yrs and under are free
      Site 4/5 – $50/per night plus $5 per adult; $1 per child; 5yrs and under are free

Camping fees are subject to change without notice.